The three members of the executive board of Waelzholz in front of steel strip coils
| Corporate & markets

New composition of Waelzholz’s Executive Board

On June 30, 2024, Dr. Matthias Gierse retired from his position on the Executive Board after 13 years at Waelzholz. His areas of responsibility, Procurement and Sales, have transferred to Henrik Caspar Junius. In addition, a new senior management area, Supply Chain, has been created.

Dr. Matthias Gierse has been a member of the Executive Board of C.D. Wälzholz GmbH & Co. KG since the beginning of 2011. In this position, he was responsible for Purchasing and Sales. During his time on the board, he played a key role in pivotal steps in the company’s development. This includes, among other things, the opening of the cold rolling mill in China, the acquisition of cold rolling activities from Wickeder Westfalenstahl and Friedr. Gustav Theis Kaltwalzwerke GmbH, as well as the founding of a sales company in Mexico. Dr.-Ing. Heino Buddenberg, chair of the Executive Board, reflected on his service as follows: “The excellent working relationship between the members of the Executive Board was and is a key component of Waelzholz’s success. Dr. Matthias Gierse has always enriched our team with his many years of experience and expertise. It was his tremendous dedication and passion for steel that set him apart. We are extremely grateful for all of his hard work.” The businessman with a doctorate in economics will not retire completely from professional life, however, as he will continue to serve Waelzholz in an advisory capacity.

Benefits of the new Supply Chain senior management area

Dr. Gierse’s previous areas of responsibility were transferred to Henrik Casper Junius on July 1, 2024. Mr. Junius, who represents the 7th generation of the founding family on the Waelzholz Executive Board, is now responsible for the areas of Logistics, Production Planning, and IT as well as Purchasing and Sales. Consolidating responsibility for these departments with one member of the Executive Board will create a new senior management area that is aligned with the company’s supply chain processes. “This allows us to respond even more quickly and with greater flexibility to changing market requirements. This also has benefits for the further digitalization of our processes and the development of intelligent systems to improve our service level,” explained Henrik Junius.

The three members of the executive board of C.D. Wälzholz GmbH & Co. KG in the company's headquarter in Hagen
The Executive Board of C.D. Wälzholz GmbH & Co. KG since July 1, 2024: Holger Bierstedt, Henrik Caspar Junius, Dr. Heino Buddenberg (from left to right)

Since July 1, 2024, the Executive Board of C.D. Wälzholz GmbH & Co. KG comprises the following members:

Dr.-Ing. Heino Buddenberg

  • CEO
  • Responsible for Human Resources, Materials Technology, and Production
  • Has been with the company since 2005

Dipl.-Kfm. Holger Bierstedt

  • Responsible for Controlling, Finance, and Legal
  • Has been with the company since 2006

Henrik Caspar Junius, M. Sc.

  • Responsible for Supply Chain
  • Has been with the company since 2018


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