Developing key materials based on industry expertise Our megatrend is you

There’s hardly an industry on earth in which steel strip products don’t play a role – like the automotive industry, energy generation, the food industry, medical technology, and the list goes on. In many of these industries, we can draw on years of experience with value creation stages, end applications, and the challenges of the markets. With these challenges in mind, we work closely with our customers to develop individual steel strip solutions that offer fresh ideas and give them the freedom to innovate in their own product and process development.
Qualified industry knowledge, thorough material analysis, and precision rolling and heat treatment processes allow us to produce the materials today that will give our customers a competitive edge tomorrow.

When flexibility becomes a real advantage Materials for automotive applications

From electrification to lightweight construction to functional surfaces – today’s innovative material solutions create more flexibility for tomorrow’s modern vehicle concepts. / more 

Materials of the future: reduced to maximum performance Materials for energy applications

A key aspect of the energy revolution are suitable material concepts that can be used to produce compact, powerful generators or heavy-duty clutch plates for wind turbines, for example. / more 

Top performance for the world of industrial products Materials for industrial applications

Whether with uniform spring force, high wear resistance, extreme fatigue strength, or numerous other properties, our materials ensure that industrial applications remain efficient and reliable. / more 

Your contact for global needs One point of contact – service around the world

No matter where you call home or which representative you choose to get in touch with, our colleagues at every location look forward to speaking with you about Waelzholz’s global range of products and services. / more 

Waelzholz international Available on four continents

We’re here to serve you with locations in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. Our Materials Technology and Quality Management departments work hand-in-hand at our facilities to guarantee consistent Waelzholz quality worldwide. / more 

| Industries & applications High precision for perfect coins

The precisely configured surfaces and tight tolerances of Waelzholz’s cold rolled steel strip for coinage enable the… / more

| Sustainability New episodes: Waelzholz podcast Steel to Zero

In three new episodes, the Waelzholz podcast highlights key aspects of the transformation of the steel industry in… / more

| Steel materials Fine blanking: Profitability is what counts

How fine blanking companies are improving their profitability with optimally designed logistics and materials expertise… / more

| Steel materials Hard core, soft surface

Open coil annealing with subsequent bainitic hardening and tempering makes it possible to combine a hard material core… / more

| Sustainability Waelzholz and thyssenkrupp take important step towards green steel production

Waelzholz received its first delivery of coils with reduced carbon emissions from thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg. / more

| Sustainability Low-emission steel strip: Waelzholz signs agreement with Tata Steel Nederland

Tata Steel Nederland and Waelzholz have signed an agreement for the supply of low-emission hot-rolled steel strip. / more

| Steel materials Efficient fine blanking instead of machining

Machining from a solid blank remains the standard manufacturing process for a number of components today. For products… / more

| Industries & applications Steel strip for bi-metal hole saws and band saws

When it comes to manufacturing bi-metal saws, our backing strip combines a wide range of properties with high repeat… / more