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| Sustainability

New episodes of the Steel to Zero podcast

Steel to Zero, the sustainability podcast from Waelzholz, will soon hit the airwaves again – in three exciting new episodes, we explore the topics that are currently impacting the steel manufacturing and processing industries. Is scrap steel the game changer when it comes to producing green steel? Can policy frameworks such as CBAM protect the European steel industry during its transformation process? And what progress has Waelzholz made in its efforts to reduce the company’s carbon emissions? External specialists and experts from Waelzholz field questions and provide deep insights into the aforementioned topics.

Decarbonization is increasingly posing major challenges for industrial companies like Waelzholz. Nevertheless, we are committed to achieving the climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement and are pursuing a clear sustainability strategy. Our goal is for our production process to be completely climate neutral by 2045. On the long road ahead, we will encounter a number of issues and obstacles that we will need to overcome. Since many companies in the steel industry are facing similar challenges, in 2022 we launched our sustainability podcast Steel to Zero – how steel will go green. In it, we invited experts from various stages of the value chain to discuss potential ways to decarbonize the steel industry and the economic and political decisions and measures that would be required to achieve this.

Now our sustainability podcast is back with new episodes. What are the latest developments? How is the transformation progressing? And what political conditions can promote change in the steel industry? In the new episodes of our podcast, we get to the bottom of these and other questions.

Participants in episode 5 of the sustainability podcast Steel to Zero during podcast production
Behind the scenes of the recording of our fifth podcast episode: Ute Neuhaus, host, Dr. Matthias Gierse, former Director Sales and Purchasing at Waelzholz and Frank Peter, Director of the Agora Industrie think tank (from left)

Lively discussion with experts

In the first episode of the new podcast series, Sandrina Sieverdingbeck, general manager of DEUMU Deutsche Erz- und Metall-Union GmbH, and Dr. Matthias Gierse, former member of the Waelzholz executive board responsible for purchasing and sales, discuss the possibilities and limits of scrap recycling on the road to climate neutrality. In the second episode, Frank Peter, director of the Agora Industrie think tank, and Dr. Gierse engage in a lively discussion of the effects of political measures ranging from the EU Green Deal and the climate change treaties to the approach of using the CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) to impose a fee on the emissions generated during the production of steel imported into the EU as a means of establishing a fair competitive playing field.

“We are very pleased that we were able to secure Sandrina Sieverdingbeck and Frank Peter, two proven experts, for our podcast. Together with Dr. Matthias Gierse, they provide a range of insights into these important topics related to the transformation,” explains Katrin Grigolo, head of marketing at Waelzholz.

How is Waelzholz achieving its climate objectives?

In the first podcast series back in 2022, we reported on the roadmap we are pursuing at Waelzholz to become climate neutral. Dr. Heino Buddenberg, CEO of Waelzholz, and Baroudi Zelit, CEO of the Brazilian Waelzholz subsidiary Waelzholz Brasmetal, provide a comprehensive overview of the company’s current position and explain how strategy, processes, and communication are intertwined.

“In these three podcast episodes, we are once again providing very concise information on what is currently impacting the industry in general and Waelzholz in particular when it comes to important questions around the transformation. They offer a very revealing look behind the scenes,” commented Grigolo.

New episode now online

The first episode of the new installment of our sustainability podcast, entitled Can we get to zero carbon with scrap? Why the use of EAF steel won't reduce global carbon emissions, is now available online.

Listen in now and subscribe to our podcast series Steel to Zero – how steel will go green so you don’t miss a single episode.

New episodes of the Steel to Zero podcast

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