Low carbon emissions hot rolled steel strip from thyssenkrupp at production plant
| Sustainability

Waelzholz increasingly relying on low-emission steel from thyssenkrupp in the future

The next step towards a climate-neutral future – starting in 2023, Waelzholz will source climate-friendly high-precision hot rolled steel strip for the production of its high-quality steel materials from its long-standing partners thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg and thyssenkrupp Steel.

Waelzholz has signed memorandums of understanding with two of its long-time partners – thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg and thyssenkrupp Steel – for the long-term supply of low-emission bluemint® Steel. The agreements call for Waelzholz to be supplied with increasing quantities of the material, which has an up to 70 percent lower carbon intensity, through 2030. Hence, Waelzholz and its partners are laying the foundations for a long-term and forward-looking supply relationship involving climate-friendly steel grades.

A complete range of grades is becoming climate-friendly

Waelzholz uses high-precision hot rolled steel strip from thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg and thyssenkrupp Steel to produce high-quality cold rolled special materials for applications in the automotive, energy, and industrial sectors. Therefore, the technology leader will source unpickled and pickled hot rolled precision strip in its entire product range and with a width of up to 720 mm made from low-carbon emission steel from thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg. Thyssenkrupp Steel will deliver the climate-friendly raw material as wide strip and electrical steel strip.

Contract partners Waelzholz and thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg on factory premises
Signing of the contract on the factory premises of thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg GmbH (from left): Marcus Englberger (Purchasing Manager, Waelzholz) André Matusczyk (Chairman of the Executive Board, thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg), Dr. Matthias Gierse (Managing Director Sales and Purchasing, Waelzholz), Michele li Bergolis (Head of Key Account Management Industry, thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg), Markus Schmidt (Manager Purchasing Raw Material and Energy, Waelzholz), Dr. Henner Diederichs (Head of Sales, thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg)

Working together to achieve climate neutrality

“The agreements with thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg and thyssenkrupp Steel are a significant step for our sustainability strategy”, says Dr. Matthias Gierse, Managing Director Sales and Purchasing at C.D. Wälzholz GmbH & Co. KG. “The path to a climate neutral steel industry can only be traveled together – with all partners in the value chain. With the agreements now reached regarding the long-term supply of low-emission hot rolled steel strip, we are joining forces to expand our portfolio of climate-friendly products in the future.”

André Matusczyk, Chairman of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg GmbH, says: “We are delighted to be able to also offer our long-standing customer Waelzholz a climate-friendly version of our high-precision hot rolled steel strip for the production of its special materials. Both partners benefit from this, as our certified steels with reduced carbon intensity improve the carbon footprints of both companies.”

And on behalf of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG, Jörg Paffrath, Senior Vice President Sales Industry, explains: “We and our customer Waelzholz share the goal of establishing a low-emission supply chain and thereby offering sustainable steel products to important key industries such as the automotive and automotive supply industries or the energy sector. And we are delighted that our innovative transformation concept tkH2Steel will play a significant role in achieving this goal in the future.”


Creating a sustainable value chain

Waelzholz and its partners thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg and thyssenkrupp Steel are pursuing the same goal: sustainable and climate-friendly production. To this end, thyssenkrupp is already offering steel products with a roughly 70 percent lower carbon intensity with its bluemint® Steel.

In addition, Waelzholz has drawn up an ambitious green steel roadmap that includes a variety of different projects aimed at drastically reducing the carbon emissions of its own products and production. Since the largest part of Waelzholz’s carbon footprint is generated during the raw material production, it is critical to reduce the carbon intensity at this specific point of the supply chain.

Contract partners thyssenkrupp Steel and Waelzholz at EuroBLECH in Hanover
Signing of the contract at the exhibition booth of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG in Hannover, Germany (from left): Markus Schmidt (Manager Purchasing Raw Material and Energy, Waelzholz), Jörg Paffrath (Senior Vice President Sales Industry, thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG), Dr. Matthias Gierse (Managing Director Sales and Purchasing, Waelzholz), Dr. Christian Lehr (Chief Executive Officer Sales Industry, thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG)

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