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| Sustainability

Sustainability podcast episode 2: Reducing carbon emissions in crude steel production

Producing around 11 million tons of crude steel annually, thyssenkrupp Steel is Germany’s largest steelmaker and an important supplier of hot rolled steel strip to Waelzholz. In light of the ambitious goal of achieving climate-neutral production by 2045, in the second episode of Waelzholz’s sustainability podcast we speak with Dr. Marie Jaroni, Head of Decarbonization & Sustainability at thyssenkrupp Steel, and Dr. Heino Buddenberg, CEO of Waelzholz, about strategies and possibilities for avoiding carbon emissions in steel production.

“Reducing the footprint: from low-carbon emissions steel to carbon neutrality” is the title of our second podcast episode, in which we take a look at the opportunities to cut carbon emissions in energy-intensive crude steel production. Shifting production routes to direct reduction plants using green hydrogen is a solution that will require a long time horizon to implement. thyssenkrupp Steel has already expanded its range to include more climate-friendly products. In this podcast episode, Dr. Marie Jaroni explains thyssenkrupp Steel’s long-term transformation towards climate neutrality. In addition, she also explains how it’s already possible to cut carbon emissions by up to 70 percent for certain products today, without the material properties differing from those of conventionally manufactured steel grades. In addition, Dr. Heino Buddenberg explains how Waelzholz is supporting this transformation process with a view to the entire value chain. He emphasizes just how important reducing emissions in steel production is to the cold rolling mill and the role that the supplying energy industry plays in this process.

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Episode 2 of the Waelzholz podcast Steel to Zero on the subject of sustainability

In addition to the original recording in German, our podcast episode “Reducing the footprint: from low-carbon emissions steel to carbon neutrality” “is also available in English. You can access the English version of the podcast here. Listen to it now with just one click!

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