André Sereno, responsible for materials technology at Brasmetal Waelzholz, in the presentation Header graphic
| Corporate & markets

Focus on innovations: TechDay at Waelzholz Brasmetal

São Paulo, Dezember 1, 2016. Waelzholz Brasmetal has held a TechDay to present highlights of the Waelzholz product portfolio. Numerous suppliers and customers from the automobile industry and the industrial sector took advantage of the opportunity to inform and inspire themselves through lectures and diverse discussion panels.

The focus of the event was the illustration of the innovative and customized material solutions by Waelzholz. One such example is the bainitic hardened and tempered PT strip. This material is pre-tempered and combines a good formability with a high tensile strength. Furthermore, a closer look was taken at the advantages and application possibilities of functional surfaces, the special grade TWIPWAEL®, which is used to manufacture flexible pipes for oil and gas extraction, for example, and the product group electrical steel strip.

Important Waelzholz Brasmetal partners such as Arcelor Mittal and the research institute IPT highlighted in their own presentations their collaboration with Waelzholz in both the further development of high-strength steels and the further development of various surface coatings.

André Sereno, responsible for materials technology at Brasmetal Waelzholz sums up: “Our impulses for new technical solutions were very well received. Immediately after the event, our customers started new projects with us. The TechDay was not just a great success for us, but for our customers too.”

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