As an internationally leading technology company, we offer attractive prospects in terms of vocaltional training and university studies as well as interesting job offers.

Electrical steel strip Minimal core losses

Electrical steel strip is essential for efficient power generation and consumption in many applications. The Waelzholz product portfolio provides you with customized magnetic properties. / more 

High-strength materials Formability and wear resistance combined

Automobile manufacturing requires materials which offer great wear-resistance and superior formability. Micro-alloyed fine-grain steels by Waelzholz combine both of these properties. / more 

Hardened and tempered steel strip The all-in-one solution for high-stress applications

Hardened and tempered steel strip by Waelzholz provides you with a myriad of options – ranging from hardness and homogeneity to elasticity or spring tension. / more 

Materials technology Customized cold rolled steel strip

Our materials experts accompany you every step of the way during product development. This collaboration often results in entirely new degrees of freedom and flexibility for our customers. / more 

Technologies With utmost precision

We produce materials with individually fine-tuned features. Our cutting-edge, precision roll stands offer optimum forming capabilities to achieve these tailor-made solutions. / more 

Waelzholz company sign surrounded by trees

Sustainability Sustainable business practices. For nearly 200 years.

From equal opportunities to reducing carbon emissions, a bright and secure future comes from acting in a responsible manner. This has been a hallmark of our company for almost 200 years.

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| Industries & applications Steel strip for battery-powered garden tools

The transformation of garden tools into battery-powered models requires new materials. As a reliable development… / more

| Industries & applications High precision for perfect coins

The precisely configured surfaces and tight tolerances of Waelzholz’s cold rolled steel strip for coinage enable the… / more

| Engineering Innovative blade assembly robot for slitting line

A perfect combination: materials expertise transformed into software meets sophisticated testing technology and… / more

| Sustainability New episodes: Waelzholz podcast Steel to Zero

In three new episodes, the Waelzholz podcast highlights key aspects of the transformation of the steel industry in… / more

| Corporate & markets The US market: customer focus thanks to local presence

The benefits of a local presence are particularly true for the US market. Keep reading to find out how the Waelzholz… / more

| Steel materials Fine blanking: Profitability is what counts

How fine blanking companies are improving their profitability with optimally designed logistics and materials expertise… / more

| Corporate & markets Changes to the Waelzholz Executive Board

Dr. Matthias Gierse retired from his position on the Executive Board on June 30, 2024, but will continue to serve the… / more

| Corporate & markets Acquisition of the service center Tempracciaio S.r.l.

On June 28, 2024, the Waelzholz Group acquired Tempracciaio S.r.l., based in Milan, Italy. Together with Waelzholz… / more